Comparative Analysis of the Biochemical Changes in Streptozotocin (STZ) Induced Diabetic Rats Fed Differently on Cocoyam, Soya Bean and Bambara Groundnut Flour

Uro-Chukwu, H.C *

Department of Biochemistry, Coal City University, Enugu, Nigeria, Department of Community Medicine, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria and Institute of Nutrition, Nutraceuticals and Public Health Research and Development, Nigeria.

Ezekwe, A.S

Department of Medical Biochemistry, Rivers State University, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Uro-Chukwu, F.C.U

Institute of Nutrition, Nutraceuticals and Public Health Research and Development, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a predominant non-communicable disease in both developing and high income countries causing multiple organ damage and disabilities worldwide. The orthodox approach to managing the disease is confronted with myriads of challenges making alternative cheaper and culturally acceptable methods unavoidable. Global experts have suggested the use of plants with medicinal values, resulting in researches into plants foods with health benefits. Cocoyam (CYN), soya bean (SB), and Bambara groundnut (BGN) are documented plant foods whose bioactive constituents have series of biochemical effects in diabetic animals. The essence of this study was to compare the biochemical changes occurring in different sets of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats fed with CYN, SB and BGN. 

Methodology: CYN, SB and BGN were packaged in airtight containers after undergoing processing, pelletization and grinding into fine flours. Fourty two healthy male albino rats, were acclimatized for one week before the induction of Insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes using 10% fructose diet and intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin respectively. The recorded weights of the rats were between 134 and 247 g. The intervention formulations were administered for 28 days, following which blood samples were collected from the killed animals for biochemical analysis.

Results and Discussion: The study results showed a more potent lipid peroxidation amelioration with the intervention formulations when compared to the standard control, and that among the formulations, BGN and CYN-fed groups outperformed the SB-fed group. The intervention formulations also showed stronger anti-inflammatory properties than the standard control, with the SB-fed group exhibiting the best. CYN and SB equally exerted hypolipidemic effects unlike in the BGN-fed rats. All the formulations had similar urea and uric acid concentration levels which were lower than observed with the antidiabetic drug, implying a better renal protective capacity in the flour-fed rat groups.

Conclusion: The hepato-renal protection and hypolipidemic effects arising from the administration of BGN, SB and CYN were better than in the standard control, with SB and CYN being generally more efficacious. Hence soybean and cocoyam flour can be useful adjuncts in the nutritional and clinical management of patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: Diabetic rats, biochemical activities, cocoyam, bambara groundnut, soya bean

How to Cite

Uro-Chukwu, H.C, Ezekwe, A.S, and Uro-Chukwu, F.C.U. 2024. “Comparative Analysis of the Biochemical Changes in Streptozotocin (STZ) Induced Diabetic Rats Fed Differently on Cocoyam, Soya Bean and Bambara Groundnut Flour”. Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Gastroenterology 7 (1):104-16.


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